In the summer of 2021, RF Curatorial teamed up with our friend Jordan Knecht, founder of Blueprint Residency to host a series of one-day residencies with some incredible Detroit area artists.

With building community being a tenet of our curatorial practice, we worked with Jordan to host four artists for 11-15 hour residencies, providing them with full creative support, materials, three [studio] cooked meals, snacks, and a fun environment. Each artist creates an edition of twenty-five blueprint prints (blueprint materials:
Vellum, blueprinter, diazo paper).

The residency is about letting a process unfold through communing, collaboration, and conversation, more so than it is about producing a final product.

  • Matt created a print based on the idea of an Afrofuturist comic that combines graffiti-inspired mark making with architectural diagrams

  • Instead of creating an edition of 25 identical prints, Elliot made 25 individual prints of a series of “strongmen,” using the visual language of Pokemon cards. Each print cheekily includes the “strengths” and “weaknesses” of each character.

    See all 25 here

  • Andie spent a lot of the day experimenting with different materials and processes. To create the final image, she first sculpted a character out of air-dry clay, then staged and photographed it. Andie’s work speaks to the pathos of cartoons and childhood imagery.

  • Kikko was interested in focusing on the more analog processes for his print. Kikko used found imagery, written text, and his personal analog copier to create a work that spoke to the history of indigenous Filipinos.


Matthew Campbell

Elliot Avis

Andie Labgold


